Monday, January 2, 2012

How Can I Get a Better Tan on Holiday?

well if your skin is pale now, then you need to try to at least get somewhat of a tan BEFORE going. if the sun is really strong there, you will immediately burn which lasts for several days and that is time wasted. try going to the pool or a tanning bed (although kinda dangerous but hey, you didn't ask for safe) just to get somewhat tan before going. while there, I would suggest using spf 15 for the first few days (you can still get a little tan with that just not get so burnt up) and see whether your skin tans or burns. you can usually tell when you're burning and in that case it's best to stop because you don't want to be in pain on vacation. you basically just need to gradually get a tan since you have pale skin now..pale skin burns VERY easy which you don't want so yea just try getting a little tan before going. for someone with medium or dark skin, baby oil, or suntanning oil (you can get at basically any store) can be used to get darker. suntanning oil usuaully has a low spf and moisturizers for a little protection of your skin but more of a tanning effect. don't go overboard

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